It's that time of year when many high school students begin thinking about sending out college applications. One of the things they need on these applications is the score from their SAT test. SAT's can be frightening if you have never taken them before. Many homeschool students have never taken a test before. So it's probably a good thing to practice. You can find some practice tests online. I know there are tutors who specialize in SAT Prep Classes. You can also find many online SAT Courses. These are great ways to prepare for the test and to help get over some of the fear associated with it. Writing classes can be a huge help in this area.
Another way to prepare for the SAT is to play games. There are many SAT Games pages found online that can really help your student prepare. You would be surprised how much learning can happen while playing games.
I think the most important thing we can do to help our students prepare for this important step in their lives is to remind them that we support them no matter how they do on the test. Yes, the test is important for getting in to the college of your choice. But a lower than desired test score is not the end of the world. Let them know that they can take the test over again if they need to. If they don't do well on the test, talk to them about other options. I started out in a community college and then moved on to the university. By doing that I did not need SAT scores on the admission application. I simply submitted my transcripts from two years at the community college level. If your student freezes up during test time this is a great option. It is also a less expensive way to take some of the preliminary classes that most colleges require.
The night before the test, your student should eat a good dinner. Then go to bed early so they can wake up refreshed and ready to work. A good breakfast also helps.
Good luck to your student as they prepare to move on to higher education.
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