Isn't that what they used to call it? Days when we just lay out on the grass under a tree with a good book and a glass of iced tea or lemonade. Today's kids seem to be just as lazy in the hot hot summer months. (This year has been the hottest ever. They said on the news that we may break records for the hottest July in history.) But instead of curling up with a good book, today's kids seem to be curling up in front of their computer screens to play video games. They are certainly not getting any exercise, well, except for their fingers on the keyboard or their thumbs on the video game. Well I decided that if Dakota isn't going to be active and healthy, maybe he could at least learn a bit about living a healthy lifestyle. So we have been playing games, reading books, and talking a lot about being healthy and taking care of our bodies. I hope some of it will sink in.
Speaking of health, another issue we have been having problems with lately is brushing his teeth. Do any of you have this problem. Dakota hates to brush is teeth. He fights it almost as much as he fights taking a bath. I don't know if this is just a "boy" thing or what. I have tried making a game out of it. I've tried timing him, but I find this just leads to not thoroughly brushing. I've tried talking about it. He has books about how important it is to take care of his teeth. And he has played online games about taking care of his teeth. But nothing seems to get through to him about this. I guess he is at that stage in life where nothing bad is going to happen to him. He doesn't remember when he had to have a root canal done. He thinks he's not going to get any cavities. I don't know what to do to help him understand that he needs to brush his teeth. I hate to see what his next dentist appointment is going to bring.
Try to stay cool everyone.
Rosebuds in January
4 weeks ago